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Christian Discipleship
Christian Conduct

By what two principles is the Christian to conduct his life?


Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
“Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him a question, testing Him, and saying, Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all Your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. Matthew 22:35-28

Love your neighbor as yourself.
“And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself on these two commandments hang all the law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22:39-40

What are some good examples of proper Christian conduct?


With the Tongue
“Life and death are in the power of the tongue, therefore the Christian is to guard his speech. He is to speak the truth in love, speak to edify his neighbor, and to put all filthy language and coarse joking away from his lips. Proverbs 18:21 and Ephesians 4:!5 and 5:4

In the Family
“The husband is to love the wife as Christ loved the Church. Likewise, the wife is to submit to the husband as the Church submits to Christ. Parents are to bring up their children in the training and instruction of the Lord without provoking them. Children are to obey their parents in everything. The key is love for one another.” Ephesians 5:22, 6:4

“The unsaved family member can be won over without a word by observing the Christians conduct”. I Peter 3:1,2

At Work
The bible clearly teaches a work ethic and condemns idleness and laziness. II Thessalonians 3:11,12 There are consequences for violating this principle.

“If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. II Thessalonians 3:10

Employees are to obey their employers. They should not steal from them in time, productivity, money or materials. Employers should treat their employees fairly in all matters. The key is to work as working for the Lord and not for men. Colossians 3:23

Toward the Government
Obey the laws of the land. Romans 13:1-5
Pay taxes. Matthew 22:15-21
Respect government employees and officials. Romans 13:6 and 7
Pray for government leaders. I Timothy 2:1 and 2

In Financial Affairs
Live within your means. Hebrews 13:5
Do not charge what you cannot pay at the end of the month. Romans 13:8
Do not knowingly write bad checks. Deuteronomy 5:19

In Stewardship of the Body
The Christian is to care for his body because it is the temple of the Holy Spirit Which was purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Since Jesus is now Lord of the body, the Christian should not allow anything to become Lord over it.. for example: smoking, alcohol, drugs, gluttony, sexual immorality, etc. I Corinthians 6:19 and 20

In the Worship Service
In the worship service all things are to be done decently and in order. All Spiritual gifts are to be exercised for the benefit of all and not just for the person exercising the gift. Remember, the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet. I Corinthians 12:7 and 14:32

The Purpose of Devotional Time is to Bring Us into Friendship with God

Plan for Devotions

-Find a good time. Morning is not the best for everyone. Find what's best for you. It must be a time when you are alert.
-Find a good place.

Beginning Your Devotional Time

-Have some good worship music playing. This will set the attitude of your heart. Integrity, Maranatha, Hosanna, & Hillsongs have good music available on cassette or CD.

-Start your devotion time with Thanksgiving. Psalms 100:4
     -Thank God for the prayers he has answered
     -Thank Him for deliverance.
          1. From sickness (Psalm 116:17)
          2. From trouble (Psalm 107:22)
          3. From death (Psalm 56:12)

-Go from Thanksgiving into Praise. Praise is attributing to God who and What He is.
        -Learn Biblical words for Praise.
            -Hallel is to boast, praise, celebrate, glorify, or to be clamorously foolish.
            -Proskuneo is to prostrate oneself in homage, to kiss as a dog licking his master's hand.
            -Eulogeo is to bless or speak well of someone.
-Learn the characteristics of God
            -Life (literal meaning of Yahweh or Jehovah).
                -Personality (mind, emotions, will)
                -Eternal (not limited by time)
                -Immense (not limited by space)
            -Love (1 John 4:7-21)

                -Can not-lie
            -Omnipresent (everywhere)
            -Omnipotent (all powerful)
(all knowing)
        -Learn Names of God
            -El or Elohim means all powerful being
            -Adonai (Lord) is master
            -Yahweh or Jehovah (LORD) is life or living one
                -Jehovah-Jireh is the Lord will provide (Gen. 22:13-14)
                -Jehovah-Rapha (Rophe) is the Lord that heals (Ex. 15:26 )
                -Jehovah Nissi is the Lord our banner (Ex. 17:8-15)
                -Jehovah-Shalom is the Lord our peace. (Judges 6:24 )
                -Jehovah Raah (Roi) the Lord our Shepherd (Ps. 23:1)
                -Jehovah-Tsidkenu is the Lord our Righteousness (Jeremiah. 23:6)
                -Jehovah-Shammah is the Lord is present (Ezek. 48:35)
            -Other names are available in the book My Father's Names Towns: Regal Books, 1991; ISBN 0-8307-1447-2

After praise, confess any Known Sin. You must enter God's presence before sin is confessed


    -1 John 1:8 & 2:2
    -Psalm 66:16-20
    -Read Scripture
    -Navigator plan for reading Bible through in year is best
    -Read but do not study in devotional time
   - Confess any sin the Word reveals

Pray (Petition). Besides regular petition you may want to dedicate certain days


    -Sunday: Souls to be saved
    -Monday: Missionaries
    -Tuesday: Your walk with the Lord
    -Wednesday: Spiritual and Governmental Leaders
    -Thursday: Your ministry
    -Friday: Your family
    -Saturday: The body of Christ, especially your church

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