Teaching, Equipping, And Maturing
Inspired by 2Timothy 2:15, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth".
Unlike traditional seminary settings, T.E.A.M. classes are intended to offer practical, relevant teaching, lending hands on demonstrations, and interactive teaching in areas needed by both lay members and those called to leadership. Through these courses, the school seeks to assist the servants of God in achieving their maximum potential in Christ, and gain greater understanding of the mandate, "Go Ye Therefore and TEACH all nations".
Course Title: Discovering and Developing Spiritual Gifts
Course Description:
This course provides an in-depth study of spiritual gifts as outlined in the Bible, with a focus on understanding their purpose, identification, and practical application within the body of Christ. Students will explore key biblical passages, including 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4, to gain a foundational understanding of how God empowers believers for service and ministry.
Through scripture-based teaching, reflective exercises, and practical assessments, students will learn how to discern their unique spiritual gifts and develop them for effective ministry. The course emphasizes the unity and diversity of gifts, the role of the Holy Spirit in distributing them, and the importance of using these gifts to glorify God and edify the church. By the end of the course, students will be equipped to walk confidently in their calling, serve with purpose, and contribute to the growth of their spiritual community.
Learning Objectives:
• Identify and define various spiritual gifts according to biblical teaching.
• Understand the role of the Holy Spirit in distributing and empowering spiritual gifts.
• Discover personal spiritual gifts through guided reflection and assessment tools.
• Develop strategies for cultivating and using spiritual gifts within church ministry and daily life.
• Recognize the importance of unity, humility, and love in exercising spiritual gifts.