Apostle Vernell & Prophetess Juliette Alston
Apostle Vernell & Prophetess Juliette Alston are the founders and apostolic leaders of T.E.A.M. Ministries International Network, a national and international network of churches and ministries committed to seeing the body of Christ come into a level of mature ministry and move forward into effective and fruitful ministry. They are also co-founders of Wings of Eagles Christian Church in Durham, North Carolina.
In April 2005, Apostle Vernell and his wife Juliette received a commission from God to Train, Equip and Mature (T.E.A.M.), the Body of Christ for effective ministry. It is through this commission, that T.E.A.M. Ministries International School of Ministry was birthed. Inspired by 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth,” the School of Ministry offers its attendees a diploma in Practical Ministry. Through this program, the school endeavors to assist the servants of God in achieving their maximum potential in Christ.
Both are passionate about church revitalization, training and equipping church leadership, and ministry development. They are also committed to seeing the T.E.A.M. concept flourishing in the body of Christ and have been instrumental in bringing together church leadership and lay members to sponsor evangelical outreach activities in order to make a positive impact in the community and bring lost souls to Christ.
They were both ordained and released to go forth into pastoral ministry in December of 1998, and was ordained into the office of Apostle and Prophetess on September 18, 2008. Apostle Vernell & Prophetess Juliette reside in Durham, North Carolina and have two adult children, and one precious grandson.